Coaches and Pricing
Coach Branden Scheel - $399/month
Coach Alexa Scheel- $399/month
​Tier 2 Triathlon Coaches:
Coach Emily Carson -
FULL ROSTER, no current openings
Coach Kyle Hessenauer - $275/month
​Tier 3 Triathlon Coaches:​​​
Coach Nick Jasmer - $199/month
Coach Dustin Magley- $199/month​​​
Mental Fitness coaching
Coach Shea Walker - $90/session
Scroll down to see what is included in our 1-on-1 Coaching!

1-on-1 Triathlon Coaching
Our 1-on-1 Coaching is designed to give you the ultimate coaching experience. Our passionate and knowledgeable staff will be there to help you every step of the way. From daily communication, to detailed race plans, and everything in between, we are here for our athletes!
1 on 1 coaching ALWAYS includes:
TriDot Mark Allen Edition training platform ($150 Value) . The AI system and Coach will work together to optimize your training each and every day.
Custom training plan tailored to YOU. Based around your fitness, strengths, weaknesses, schedule, and goals, we will work with you to optimize your training and get the most out of the work that you put in. Unlimited Training plan adjustments.
Guidance on equipment selection and setup for racing and training
Tech support at team races
Personalized Race plans written by coaching staff
Access to the team page for Q&A and getting to know your teammates, and seminars.
Training and Race day nutrition suggestions
Access to all team discount codes from: Bisaddle, Sailfish Wetsuits, Zealios, Rudy project, Air Relax, Stryd, Fox River Socks, Lever Running, FLO Wheels, Biostarks, Jakroo, KP Performance Boulder, and any other brands that Partner with Branden Scheel Racing
Access to Camps run by Branden Scheel Racing at discounted rate
Additional services included in Tier 1 and 2 coaches:
Everything above, PLUS
Daily contact with Mid-time coaches.
Analysis of workouts multiple times per week
Additional services included in Tier 1 coaches:
Everything above, PLUS
Unlimited contact with Full Time coach.
Daily analysis of workouts by coach
Virtual Swim Form analysis - 1 per month
Strength Training from Kevin Purvis of KP Performance Boulder